How and Why the Trinity is False and Unbiblical

Approximately two thousand years ago, a Man called Jesus Christ was crucified in Jerusalem by the Roman authorities, under the insistence of religious Jews, because He claimed to be the Son of God. Who truly was this Man called Jesus Christ? Was He a Trinitarian son of God, as believed by Traditional Christianity? Absolutely not! Was He a created angel, as believed by groups like Jehovah Witnesses? Absolutely not! Was He only a man, as believed by some groups of Unitarians? Absolutely not! Then, who was He? He was none other than the only begotten Son of His Father God. It was He, whom Father God sent into the world to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29).
The most important and central truth of the Bible is that there is only one true God, who is Father God (John 17:3), and there is only one true Son of God, who was begotten (birthed, not created) by His Father God before the world was created (John 17:5, 1 John 4:9). So, the true Christianity of the Bible is absolutely founded upon believing in not only the one true Father God, but also, in the one true begotten Son of God. The Bible is clear that anyone who denies God’s only begotten Son also denies the one true Father God (1 John 2:22-23), and that no-one can come to the Father except through the Son (John 14:6).
The shocking fact is that all groups and denominations of the so-called ‘Christian world’ deny that Jesus Christ is indeed God’s only begotten Son, and hence, they also deny the one true Father God. The history of Christianity shows that a number of heretical belief systems of false Christianity have appeared since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as expressly warned by Christ Himself (Matthew 24:4-5), and also by Christ’s disciples (1 John 4:1-6) and Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
These heretical false belief systems are listed below, and they are understood to be in their order of prevalence.
Trinitarianism: the belief in one God, yet confusingly and illogically maintaining that this one God is in effect three co-equal Gods of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Arianism: the belief in one God, but insisting that Jesus Christ is a created being and hence denying the divinity of the Son of God.
Unitarianism: the belief in one God but, like Arianism, it also denies the divinity of the Son as God’s only begotten Son.
Binitarianism: the belief in one God, yet confusingly and illogically maintaining that this one God is in effect two co-equal Gods of Father and Son.
Modalism: the belief in one God existing in three consecutive, but not simultaneous, modes of Father, Son and Holy Spirit; which like Trinitarianism is also confusing and illogical, denying many clear scriptures of the Bible.
Ditheism: the belief in two co-equal Gods which is, of course, polytheism. However, some adherents believe that one of the gods later decided to be born as the Son of God through his human virgin birth.
All of these false belief systems, listed above, say that they believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, however, in reality what the Bible says and means and what they say and believe are two absolutely different things. You need to clearly understand what the Bible means when it says that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. We have covered this truth in great depth in Chapter 3, under the sub-section ‘The Truth of the Son of God’.
Since Traditional Christianity considers that belief in the Trinity is the basic requirement of the Christian faith, and multiple millions of people have been and are being deceived by it, we need to now fully answer how and why it is a heretical doctrine. We give below three reasons, which easily prove that the doctrine of the Trinity is a false, unbiblical and man-invented doctrine.
Firstly, the doctrine of the Trinity is not found in any Hebrew or Greek Scriptures. It is an undeniable historical fact that, following the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the early Christians did not believe in the Trinity. The Trinity is an evolved doctrine under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church. It took over 300 years to formulate the main elements of this doctrine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, under the leadership of a Roman King, Constantine the Great. The doctrine was then finally made official at the First Council of Constantinople in 381 AD, under the Roman Emperor Theodosius 1.
Constantine was a pagan Roman King though he claimed to accept Christianity. Just like all the bishops present at the Council of Nicea, Constantine had no revelation and understanding of who the true Christ of the Bible is. He convened the Council of Nicea for purely political reasons in an effort to maintain unity in his empire between two main rivalling ‘Christian’ theologies, namely, the Trinity and Arianism, both being totally unbiblical doctrines.
Secondly, the Trinity denies that Jesus Christ is His Father’s only begotten Son. Instead, it teaches that Jesus Christ is the eternally begotten Son of God which is a man-invented, unbiblical, illogical term. The Trinitarian fathers could not accept the clear truth of the Bible that Jesus Christ is His Father God’s only begotten (birthed) Son, and therefore, the Son had a beginning when Father God gave birth to Him in the beginning, before Father God created all things through His Son. To accept this central truth of the Bible would have destroyed their Trinitarian doctrine, and so instead, they invented a non-biblical, meaningless and confusing concept that Jesus Christ is ‘the eternally begotten’ Son of His Father God. It is absolutely ridiculous to imply or believe that Father God is continually, eternally, in a state of begetting His Son and yet never actually ever gives birth to His Son.
Thirdly, the Trinity teaches that the Son is co-equal to His Father, however, Scripture is abundantly clear that the Son of God is not co-equal, but subordinate to His Father.
Here are four of many scriptures, which absolutely and categorically prove that Jesus Christ has always remained subordinate and a Servant to His Father God, right from His Spirit birth when He was begotten by His Father, before the foundation of the world.
Colossians 1:16
For by Him (Jesus) all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
This scripture clearly proves that God the Son, Jesus Christ, is subordinate and a Servant to His Father God. Jesus Christ was born with all the creative powers of His Father God, and so, it was through the Son that Father God decided to create absolutely all things, all living and non-living things
John 14:28
You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I.
These words are from the very mouth of Jesus Christ Himself confirming that His Father is greater than Him. Trinitarians who argue that Jesus Christ was speaking these words from the perspective of His humanity and not His divinity are talking nonsense. The truth of the Bible is that when Jesus Christ became flesh to die for the sins of the whole world, this did not in any way alter Jesus’s standing, position and relationship with His Father. God the Father has always remained greater than God the Son; before Jesus became flesh, when Jesus was flesh, and currently, whilst Jesus is sitting at His Father’s right hand in heaven.
1 Corinthians 11:3
But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
It couldn’t be any clearer. Apostle Paul says that the head of Christ is God, Father God, which confirms the biblical truth that the Son is not co-equal to His Father God, but subordinate to Him.
Of course, Paul wrote this verse after Jesus’s ascension to heaven. This verse absolutely confirms, without a shadow of doubt, the truth that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was not only subordinate to His Father God whilst in the flesh, but also currently as the risen Christ in His Glorified Spirit Body sitting at His Father’s right hand on His heavenly throne, back in exactly the same position where He was before His Father God sent Him into the world. 
Hebrews 8:1
Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens.
The truth of the Bible that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, sits at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty of His Father in heaven, is repeated many times in Scripture, in verses such as Psalm 110:1, Matthew 26:64, Acts 2:33, 7:55, Ephesians 1:20 and Colossians 3:1, thus further proving that the Son is subordinate to His Father God.
These scriptures are clear proofs confirming the truth that the Son of God is a separate Person who is always subordinate to His Father God, and the Father is always greater than His Son. Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son has never been and never will be co-equal to His Father God.
The truth about the Holy Spirit
The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, speaks about the Family of only one true Father God and His only begotten and obedient Son. The Bible never speaks about one triune God consisting of three co-equal Gods of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as taught in the false doctrine of the Trinity. Many times, the Bible says that the Son sits at His Father’s right hand, but nowhere does it say that the Holy Spirit sits next to the Father, or the Son, because there is no Trinitarian third Person of God in heaven or on earth.
The terms, ‘the Spirit of God’ and ‘the Holy Spirit’, occur approximately 120 times in the Bible. These terms, depending on their context, refer to the Presence and Power of Father God or to Father God Himself, who is Holy and Spirit.
In most cases when the Bible speaks about the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit, it is referring to the Presence and Power of Father God, which emanates from the Spirit Person of Father God seated on His throne in heaven. For example, in Luke 1:35, And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest (Father God) will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” Here ‘the Holy Spirit’ clearly refers to the Presence and Power of Father God who is indeed the Highest.
There are only a few scriptures where the term ‘the Holy Spirit’ refers to the Person of Father God Himself. For example, in Matthew 1:18, “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit, where ‘the Holy Spirit’ refers to the Person of Father God Himself, who is Holy and Spirit. Jesus Christ is indeed the child of His Father God, the one true Eternal God, who is a separate Being and always greater than His only begotten Son.
We know that Trinitarians have their own set of scriptures which they use to try to justify their belief in the Trinity. Let us now closely examine the top ten key scriptural texts that Trinitarians use to support the Trinity and prove to you that these scriptures have been mistranslated, or misinterpreted, or corrupted, or even shamefully inserted into the Word of God, to support this false doctrine.
Text 1
1 John 5:7
For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
Do you know that this verse is a fraud? It is not in any of the early Greek Manuscripts of the Bible dated before the 10th century, as confirmed by all Bible scholars. 1 John 5:7 was shamefully inserted into Translations of the Bible, first into the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate, and then subsequently into the KJV and other popular versions of the Bible to support the false doctrine of the Trinity.
Text 2
Matthew 28:19
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
This verse, although found in Greek Manuscripts of the Bible, is still a corrupt verse, corrupted under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.
Matthew 28:19, as translated in most versions of the Bible, contradicts the clear teaching of the Bible that baptising should always be done in the name of the Son only. The Apostles never baptised converts in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, but always solely baptised them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as in Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, and 19:5. There is not one single example in the whole of the Bible where people were baptised in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The amazing fact is that the Roman Catholic Church itself admits that it changed the baptismal formula in the second century.  Consider the following quotes:
The Catholic Encyclopedia II (Page 263)
The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church in the second century.”
Britannica Encyclopedia 11th Edition, Vol 3 (Page 82, and Pages 365-366)
“Everywhere in the oldest sources it states that baptism took place in the name of Jesus Christ.”- Thebaptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, & Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in the second century.”
Canney Encylopedia of Religion (Page 53)
“The early church always baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus until development of the Trinity doctrine in the 2nd century.”
There is no doubt that the Greek Manuscripts which have the Trinity baptismal formula of Matthew 28:19 in them, is because the copiers of these Manuscripts were influenced by the massive dominating influence of the Roman Catholic Church to change the meaning of Matthew 28:19 in support of the Trinity. Please understand that unlike Autographs, none of the Manuscripts of the Bible are totally error free, and where a verse in a Manuscript contradicts other clear verses found elsewhere in Scripture, as in the case of Matthew 28:19, then it is right to investigate and question the authenticity of that verse.
It is clear and obvious that the true inspired meaning of Matthew 28:18-19, before it was corrupted by the Roman Catholic influence is:
Matthew 28:18-19
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in my name.
Since all authority has been given to the Son by His Father God, then it logically follows that baptising should be done in the name of the Son of God and in His name only, as commanded by Jesus Christ Himself in the verse above and as we also see in all other baptismal verses found in the Bible.
Text 3
John 1:1 
In the beginning was the Word (God the Son), and the Word was with God (God the Father) and the Word was God (God the Son).
This scripture is greatly misinterpreted to support the false doctrine of the Trinity, but the fact is that it actually disproves the Trinity. Please understand that the Bible would never ever say that in the beginning was Father God. Why not? Because Father God has no beginning. However, God the Son Jesus had a beginning, therefore, John 1:1 above says, “In the beginning was the Word”, which is Logos in Greek, referring to God the Son, Jesus Christ.
This confirms the truth of the Bible that the Son had a beginning when Father God begot (birthed) Him in the beginning. The birth of the Son of God was the beginning of all beginnings, the most magnificent birth, which was the very first glorious event that happened before anything was created.
John 1:1 also says that the Word was God. Of course, Jesus is God because He is God the Son, and He belongs to the one Holy God Elohim family of Father and Son. However, God the Son Jesus (Yeshua) is not a co-equal God to His Father (Yahweh). They are two separate Persons of Father and Son, and the Father is always greater than the Son, as clearly stated many times in Scripture.
Jesus Christ is similar to His Father God in several respects. Just like His Father, Jesus Christ is a Spirit Person of the same substance as His Father God, uncreated, immortal, holy and righteous, yet He is a separate God, God the Son, who is always subordinate to His Father God and a willing Servant to Him.
Text 4
John 10:30
I and My Father are one.
This scripture is often used by Trinitarians in support of the Trinity, however, it is very easy to prove, by referring to John 17:20-21, that Jesus Christ is talking here about the unity of Spirit of one mind and one purpose with His Father. Therefore, this scripture does not in any way support the Trinity.
John 17:20-21
20 I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.
So, all true believers are one with the Father and one with the Son in the unity of the Spirit of one mind and one purpose as the Father and the Son are one, in the one united Family of God.
Text 5
Philippians 2:5-8 
5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
Trinitarians misinterpret this scripture to prove that Jesus is co-equal to His Father God, but this is not true. We have previously clearly proved from Scripture that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is subordinate to His Father and that the Father is always greater than His Son.
What the scripture above tells us is that Jesus did not grasp or hold onto the immortality which He shared and enjoyed with His Father, but He voluntarily humbled Himself and temporarily gave up His immortality to become mortal in order to die on the cross for the sins of the whole world. Jesus always knew that He would regain His immortality when He would rise from the dead.
Text 6
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called (qara) Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
This scripture, as it reads in the NKJV above and in most Bible versions, depicts God the Son to be exactly the same Person as God the Father, which cannot be true. It is a mistranslation!
The problem lies with the translation of the Hebrew word qara, which has been translated as ‘will be called’. Qara is used 735 times in the Old Testament Hebrew Scripture. Strong’s H7121 gives a number of Hebrew meanings of qara, which are: to call, call out, recite, read, cry out and proclaim.
The meaning of qara in Isaiah 9:6 above is ‘proclaim’ and not ‘will be called’, as incorrectly translated in most Bible versions. Also, the Hebrew word sar, which is translated as ‘Prince’ is better translated as ‘Ruler’ or ‘Captain’, which are alternative meanings given by Strong’s H8269. So, the accurate meaning of Isaiah 9:6, which does not bring contradictions into the Word of God is:
Isaiah 9:6 
For unto us a Child (Jesus) is born, Unto us a Son (Jesus) is given; And the government will be upon His (Jesus’s) shoulder. And His name (Jesus’s name) will proclaim Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Ruler of Peace.
Yes indeed, the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, proclaims and exalts His Everlasting Father, the one true Mighty God, Ruler of Peace and Wonderful Counsellor (John 1:18, John 12:49-50, John 17:3, Romans 15:33, Jeremiah 32:18, Isaiah 28:29).
Text 7
John 15:26 (NKJV)
But when the Helper comes, whom (hos) I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who (hos) proceeds from the Father, He (ekeinos) will testify of Me.
You will note that the NKJV translators have translated the Greek words hos and ekeinos as whomwho and He to convey the meaning that the Helper and the Spirit of Truth is the Third Person of a Trinity. This verse is similarly translated by other versions of the Bible like the KJV, NIV and NASB that support the concept of the Trinity. However, this is a mistranslated verse because its context is clear that the Spirit of Truth is the Spirit of Father God Himself and it is not a Third Person. Also, Strong’s Concordance G3739 and G1556 confirms that the Greek words hos and ekeinos can also mean which and it. So, it is clear that the correct translation of the verse above which does not contradict the Word of God is:
John 15:26
But when the Helper comes, which (hos) I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth which (hos) proceeds from the Father, it (ekeinos) will testify of Me.
There are a few other verses, like John 7:39 and John 14: 26,16-17, which are also similarly mistranslated by versions of the Bible that support the concept of the Trinity. It can easily be demonstrated that these verses are speaking about the Spiritual Presence and Power of Father God and they are not referring to the third Person of the so-called man-invented Trinity.
Text 8
2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV)
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 
In this verse, let us show you that Apostle Paul is not saying that the Holy Spirit is the so-called third Person of the Trinity, as misinterpreted by Trinitarians. What Apostle Paul means here is that all true believers have the fellowship with the Father and the Son through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which is the presence and power of God in their lives.
The fact that Apostle Paul never believed in the Trinity is abundantly clear from all of his epistles as he always greets the church with the words, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” There are at least 13 such greetings in the writings of Paul, as in the case of Romans 1:7 and Colossians 1:2. Note that Paul never includes the Holy Spirit in his greetings to the churches because he did not believe in the Trinity. He clearly understood that there are only two Persons, God the Father and God the Son, and that the Holy Spirit is not the third Person, but it is the presence and power of God through which the Father and the Son indwell and have fellowship with all true believers.
Text 9
Genesis 1:26
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
This verse does not in any way support the Trinity, however, it does support the truth that God is a family of Father and Son. The truth of the Bible is that Father God created all things through His only begotten Son, and so ‘Let Us’ in this verse represents God the Father and God the Son, and it absolutely does not represent Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, as misinterpreted by Trinitarians.
Text 10
John 20:28
And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”
Again, Trinitarians misunderstand and misapply this scripture in support of their false doctrine. Of course, Jesus Christ is also God, but He is God the Son who is subordinate to His Father God, and He always obediently does what His Father asks Him to do.

The Trinity is not a biblical doctrine; it is a pagan doctrine, christianised by the Roman Catholic Church under its great influence and power, in the first three hundred years of Christianity. The Trinity is in fact an anti-Father God and anti-Christ doctrine. The confusing, illogical and unbiblical doctrine of the Trinity, in effect, teaches that Father God is his own son and that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is his own father, which is ridiculous and nonsensical.
The magnificent truth of the Bible is that God is a Family of Father and Son, not a Trinity. Father God is working out His Plan of universal salvation (God’s Plan for All) through His only begotten Son, and He has allowed for Seven Ages to fully complete His Plan. The scripture is clear that Father God will reconcile to Himself absolutely all things on earth and in heaven, having made peace through the shed blood of His Beloved Son (Colossians 1:15-20).
It is indeed the destiny of each and every human being and each and every angel, without a single exception, to enter the Eternal Kingdom of God of the New Heaven and the New Earth as createdsons of God, and be part of the one huge united Elohim Family of God; the Family of the one true Father God, Yahweh Elohim, and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, Yeshua Elohim.

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