Were the six days of creation literal days of twenty-four hours each

The word "day" as used in the Scriptures, signifies a fixed period of time. We read of a forty year day; "the day of temptation in the wilderness." (`Heb. 3:8,9`.) Again, we have the Scriptural statement that "One day with the Lord is as a thousand years." (`2 Pet. 3:8`.) A year is frequently spoken of as a day; as, "I have appointed thee each a day for a year." (`Eze. 4:6`.) Furthermore the entire Gospel Age is called "The day of salvation." –`2 Cor. 6:2`. When considering the statements of Genesis respecting the six creative Days or periods, or epochs, we should not limit our thoughts to a twenty-four hour day, but examine the subject and see what period of time is signified. 

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