ACTS 23:6 —HOPE & RESURRECTION. PART A: What is Jesus All About?

ACTS 23:6 —HOPE & RESURRECTION. PART A: What is Jesus All About?

ACTS 23,6-HOPE & RESURRECTION - Part A - What is Jesus All About.jpg
What is the Good News of the Bible all about?  One 5-letter word,  JESUS!
And this is exactly what Apostle Philip explains to the Ethiopian Eunich, whom an angel of GOD sent him to, to minister unto and whom he explained the passage of Isaiah 35 to, which the Eunich had been reading, and whom he baptized while on the road that went from Jerusalem to Gaza (Acts 8:26-35).
What is Jesus all about?
Jesus is all about the “repentance and forgiveness of sin”these being the exact words of Apostle Peter “and the other Apostles” as documented by Luke in Acts 5:30-31 when they had been summed to stand before the High court officials of the Sanhedrin and were questioned by the high priest (who was Caiphas at that time—John 18:24) about why they were not obeying the strict orders given of not to “teach in this (Jesus’) name” (Acts 5:28).
Jesus is also all about the HOPE and RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.
Let’s explain this by taking a look at the Apostle Paul’s experiences and words:-
When the commander in Rome was made aware by the Apostle Paul himself that Paul was a Roman citizen, he summoned Paul to stand before the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin (comprised of Pharisees and Sadducees) to find out why Paul had been accused and flogged by the Jews the day before. Then after stating to the Sanhedrin that he had “fulfilled his duty to God in all good conscience to this day” he was hit in the mouth by those standing near him in the crowd, as ordered by Ananias, (Acts 23:1-3)who was the Father-in-law of Caiaphas (the High Priest) and had also been a high priest himself, hence still carried this title and still had his opinion count heavily amongst the Sanhedrin.
And now, perceiving that no speech of his could affect his hearers, the Apostle Paul “cried out”:
“Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question.” (Acts 23:6)
It was not just the Apostle Paul who taught about this glorious doctrine of hope, as we read in Acts 4:2, other Apostles such as Peter and John also “taught the people and preached in Jesus the resurrection from the dead”. And this “greatly disturbed” the priests, the temple guard and the Sadducees. (Acts 4:1)

Do we likewise share the good news about the resurrection to those around us?

Do we help people recognize GOD’s loving and merciful character helping destroy the false beliefs of a GOD who would eternally punish and send his creation to a place of burning hell fire to be tortured for eternity or purgatory (which is not even a word in the Bible)?

When was the last time we explained to someone:

Truths about the Ransom—the whole foundational doctrine behind the forgiveness of sin for every single human that ever lived… and about the 2 Salvations… about the soul—that it is mortal… about restitution?
Are we also, today, “prisoners in the chains of Christ”… (mentally perhaps) because of  boldlysharing what is GODly Truth because it is too glorious to keep just for oneself? (Acts 17:32)

Do not worry that you are mocked!…

This is what the sufferings of Christ are all about and those who suffer for righteousness sake, are blessed “for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Corinthains 4:17)
How gloriously logical these words are, and give sense to the questioning mind and thus provide hope and comfort that, “If there be no resurrection of the dead, then they that are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.” (1 Corinthians 15:13, 18)
Like the early Christians, we too, are scattered all over the world and either alone or in small groups of two or three we preach Jesus and the resurrection.

Let’s tell the world 
there’s a better day coming!

When there will be no more death or dying but a resurrection from the dead that will ultimately bring mankind back from the dead!
Dear friends, Armageddon is actually a great thing, coming! It’s a sifting out cleansing process—it is how the world is to be bleached out from all unrighteousness and the JUDGEMENT OF GOD has begun with His Own house—the Church (1 Peter 4:17)—causing GODLY JUSTICE to change the heart and mind of the one called by God from one that was ignorant in much, to one that UNDERSTANDS WHAT GOD EXPECTS and strives to BE RIGHTEOUS in ALL so that one can be in HARMONY with GODLY RIGHTEOUSNESS for it is a “terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31)
It is part of the HOPE of the Precious Promises in the Bible. It involves the resurrection of the dead in the resurrection!
This death and dying condition we all find ourselves in, is unnatural.

Have you ever come across a dying loved one who says they feel like they are 26 in a 80+ year old body? 

People are caught in this trap they can’t escape from. Yet death today is inevitable. It was purchased by Jesus’ sacrifice but death will be overcome!
The HOPE that will be accomplished is a RESURRECTION from the death.

This will ultimately bring mankind back to GOD.

The Bible so beautifully explains how GOD will unlock the prison house of the grave and release ALL mankind from the prison house of death.
The hope that will be accomplished is a resurrection from the death.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” 
(Psalm 30:5)

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