Careful study of the Scriptures teaches that the Bible Millennium is the seventh 1,000-year period from the entrance of sin and death upon the human family through father Adam. That is to say, since Adam sinned, 6,000 years of suffering, dying and death have already passed over his offspring—the entire human race.
When considering the creation account in Genesis, we notice that God worked for six days (Hebrew: epochs or periods of time) and rested on the seventh. In like manner, the nation of Israel was required to work six days in the week and rest on the seventh. We will use this same pattern—six days of toil followed by the seventh day of rest—to help us locate the Bible Millennium—the Kingdom of God.
How long is an epoch day to the Lord? The Apostle Peter supplies us with the answer in 2 Peter 3:8, "...be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."Applying this knowledge to the divine pattern, we learn that the six 1,000 year long days of mankind toiling under the burden of sin and death are to be followed by the seventh 1,000 year long day for the purpose of resting from sin and death and for removing this curse. We see then that 7,000 years are required, from the entrance of sin and death, to its complete eradication.
This same 1,000-year day is spoken of as the time in which the saints will reign with Christ—the Messianic reign. (Rev. 20:4) Paul tells us that the purpose of this 1,000-year reign is to put all enemies under Christ's feet. The last enemy of mankind (as a result of sin) is death, and this, too, will Christ destroy. (1 Cor. 15:25, 26) This 1,000-year period or Millennium is described in Acts 3:19-21 as "the times of restitution of all things." In other words, it is the period of time in which mankind, as well as the earth, will be brought back (restored) to their original perfect condition. (Gen.1:27, 31) This is the great day of judgment upon all who dwell upon the earth.

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