The Approaching End of the Harvest

David Rice - End of Harvest - verse- borderDear Bible Student and/or interested Truth Seeker …
Are you even vaguely interested in hearing answers to the following questions? :
When does the Millennial Reign of CHRIST begin? How can we prove this in Scripture?
When does the 6000 years for the permission of evil end?
How long is the GOSPEL AGE meant to go on for … 2000 years? Does this mean from 33 A.D. since Jesus ascended up to the Divine Realms ? Why ? and why not longer or shorter?
What does ‘midnight’ in the Bible represent ? Is it a moment in time or a period of time? Does the definition differ for the consecrated believer in CHRIST to that for the world ? What are Bible say about this ‘midnight’ and why do we need to know about it?
What is so significant about the year 2043? How does it harmonize with scriptural texts and events?
What is the significance of certain symmetrical time periods mentioned in the Bible?
When will the Bride (144,000 members) of CHRIST be complete? Will this be BEFORE Armageddon? How long before Armageddon? Will the Great Multitude still be on earth during Armageddon? How do we know?
What do I need to know about jubilee cycles and why?
What is significant about the 40 years of the prophet Jeremiah’s reign and Brother Charles Russell’s 40 years of harvest witnessing of Truth work?
How do these dates help us understand where we are now? :
A Count of Years From Adam
1656 years — Adam to the end of the Flood (Genesis 5, 8:13)
427 years — to God’s Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 11, 12)
430 years — to the Exodus (Galatians 3:17)
479 years — to the Foundation of Solomon’s Temple
2992 years

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