No other book has such a reliable and fascinating history as the Bible. The oldest book known to exist, its origin and authorship, its antiquity, its wonderful preservation in the midst of continuous attempts to destroy it, as well as its diversity and teaching, make the Bible the most wonderful book in existence. It is a collection of sixty-six separate books, written by about forty different writers, living centuries apart, speaking different languages, and brought up under different governments and civilizations. Yet, despite all of this diversity, the Bible maintains one continuous and harmonious theme — the loving mercy of God and salvation through the gift of His only begotten Son. 1 Timothy 2:3-5
A thorough understanding of the Bible, according to its own rules of interpretation, shows its statements to be in harmony with each other. If it bears no evidence of prejudicial coloring, and if prophecies of Scripture have consistently come true, then we have strong reason to believe that the Author of this incredible book is who He claims to be — the grand Creator of the universe! Science is yet in its infancy, yet in so far as positive scientific knowledge has been attained, it should and does corroborate Bible testimony.
To the sincere Christian, the Bible is not just a compilation of wise proverbs and interesting stories, but it is a priceless treasure—the words and thoughts of the Divine Creator Himself. Christians should not only reverence the words of this incredible book, but they should also appreciate the journey that it took to arrive at this end time destination.

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