The word angel, in both the Hebrew and Greek, means messenger. Therefore, an angel of God can be anyone or anything sent by God with a message. The Scriptures also speak of angels as spirit beings in the heavenly realm. These can be holy angels who have been faithfully carrying out the will of God for thousands of years, but they can also be angels who have fallen from God's grace. Unlike in the past, God's holy angels do not manifest themselves to anyone today. If someone claims to hear voices or see images of angels, there should be great cause of alarm.
We are living in the end times, and, Jude 6 states that this is the time for the judgment of the fallen angels. Hence, we see a great increase of spiritism and occultism in the earth today. In fact, Christians need to be especially on guard to shield themselves from this insidious foe, because we are the special targets of Satan and the fallen angels—demons. “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith...” (I Peter 5:8, 9 NAS) The power to be strong and to resist these evil influences is in the Word of God. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) It is our responsibility, then, to learn just how and why demons got so involved with mankind; what can be identified as spiritism today; and how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones against the forces of evil.

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